Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009

The Austin-Area Rare Bird Alert is a service of the Travis Audubon Society. This update is as of 9.00am, June 19th, 2009:


A COMMON PAURAQUE (Nyctidromus albicollis) was heard calling on June 13th at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo.

A BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus tyrannulus) was photographed on June 13th near Utley in western Bastrop County. A CASSIN'S SPARROW (Aimophila cassinii) was also found in the western Bastrop/eastern Travis county area that day.

A male YELLOW WARBLER (Dendroica petechia) has been present and singing in a sw. Copperas Cove neighborhood as late as June 12th.

A rather vocal AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverius) was heard and seen near the power plant off of Holly Street in east Austin on June 11th.


A PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been present May 18th thru at least June 8th at the pond in the Triangle devleopment area near the northwest corner of 45th and Guadalupe Streets in Austin.

Another PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been hanging out at the water retention pond off Ernest Robles Way (near Brodie Lane) in
Sunset Valley (south Austin). It was first reported on May 22nd and continues thru at least May 29th.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) has been present near Rosanky for several months, most recently seen as of June 18th.

Two MOTTLED DUCKS (Anas fulvigula) were photographed on the ponds at Hornsby Bend on April 30th and were still present there as of June 3rd.

An immature WHITE IBIS (Eudocimus albus) was seen at Hornsby Bend on May 27th and was still present as of June 13th.


Two FULVOUS WHISTLING-DUCKS (Dendrocygna bicolor) were present in the middle of Pond 1West at Hornsby Bend on June 10th.

AnANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) was seen over the ponds at Hornsby Bend on June 9th.

A late GRAY CATBIRD (Dumetella carolinensis) visited a west Austin yard near Commons Ford Park on June 6th.

Late migrants seen at Hornsby Bend include 3 BLACK TERNS (Chlidonias niger) on June 5th and 4 FRANKLIN'S GULLS (Leucophaeus pipixcan) there
on June 6th.

Several species of shorebirds remain at the ponds at Hornsby bend thru the first week of June. Unexpected was a single LEAST SANDPIPER (Calidris minutilla) on June 3rd and up to 3 BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS (Calidris bairdii) on June 2nd and June 3rd.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was at a private residence in Seguin on May 30th and May 31st.

An ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) was soaring over the river at Big Webberville Park in far eastern Travis County on May 31st.

CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) were reported on May 31st at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo.

A SOLITARY SANDPIPER (Tringa solitaria) at Hornsby Bend on May 29th was getting late.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was present at a private residence near Utley on May 28th.


Reports for the Austin area RBA cover a 60-mile radius centered in downtown Austin. This circle extends north to Belton Lake (Bell County), south to Leesville (Gonzales County), east to Somerville WMA (Lee/Burleson County), and west to Blumenthal (Gillespie County).

Bird sightings mentioned here have been filtered & scrutinized by the compiler and are believed to be genuine. When documentation or photographs were provided, that is mentioned along with the other information about the bird(s) being seen.

The most recent update can always be found at:

Visit Travis Audubon online at:

For questions or updates about birds mentioned here or to report rare or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, please send an e-mail to

Eric Carpenter
Rare Bird Alert Compiler, Travis Audubon Society

TEXBIRDS help file and Texas birding links at:

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 11, 2009

The Austin-Area Rare Bird Alert is a service of the Travis Audubon Society. This update is as of 9.00am, June 11th, 2009:

--- Exceptional Sightings---

A vocalizing WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Contopus sordidulus) was studied near the birding shelter at Hornsby Bend on May 29th though attempts to record the bird were unsuccessful. Solid records of this species in the Austin area are few.


Two FULVOUS WHISTLING-DUCKS (Dendrocygna bicolor) were present in the middle of Pond 1West at Hornsby Bend on June 10th.

An ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) was seen over the ponds at Hornsby Bend on June 9th.

A late GRAY CATBIRD (Dumetella carolinensis) visited a west Austin yard near Commons Ford Park on June 6th.

Late migrants seen at Hornsby Bend include 3 BLACK TERNS (Chlidonias niger) on June 5th and 4 FRANKLIN'S GULLS (Leucophaeus pipixcan) there
on June 6th.


A PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been present May 18th thru at least May 23rd at the pond in the Triangle devleopment area near the northwest corner of 45th and Guadalupe Streets in Austin.

Another PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been hanging out at the water retention pond off Ernest Robles Way (near Brodie Lane) in Sunset Valley (south Austin). It was first reported on May 22nd and continues thru at least May 29th.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) has been present (and photographed) at a private residence in Bastrop. The bird has been present since early May and continues thru at least May 27th.

Two MOTTLED DUCKS (Anas fulvigula) were photographed on the ponds at Hornsby Bend on April 30th and were still present there as of June 3rd.

An immature WHITE IBIS (Eudocimus albus) was seen at Hornsby Bend on May 27th and was still present as of June 3rd.

Up to 6 CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) have been seen/heard in the Mueller Development area (Austin), north and northwest of the old air traffic control tower as recently as May 23rd.

LONG-BILLED THRASHERS (Toxostoma longirostre) are seen often at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo. The most recent report of one there is from May 20th.


Several species of shorebirds remain at the ponds at Hornsby bend thru the first week of June. Unexpected was a single LEAST SANDPIPER (Calidris minutilla) on June 3rd and up to 3 BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS (Calidris bairdii) on June 2nd and June 3rd.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was at a private residence in Seguin on May 30th and May 31st.

An ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) was soaring over the river at Big Webberville Park in far eastern Travis County on May 31st.

CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) were reported on May 31st at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo.

A SOLITARY SANDPIPER (Tringa solitaria) at Hornsby Bend on May 29th was getting late.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was present at a private residence near Utley on May 28th.

(Aimophila cassinii) continue to make a strong showing in our area this spring/summer. A number of birds were heard/seen on May 23rd in areas of Bell County including along FM 1123 between Holland and Belton, and off of Dillard Road near I-35 just east of Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir. Eleven individuals were tallied on May 25th as part of a breeding bird survey run near the community of Walburg (Williamson County). Two additional singing birds were heard/seen on May 25th along Post Oak Road just west of (Big) Webberville Park.

Two GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLERS (Vermivora chrysoptera) were photographed at Southeast Metro Park (off Hwy 71 east of Bergstrom Airport) on May 23rd.

A MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER (Oporornis tolmiei) was studied along Shoal Creek just north of 34th Street in Austin on May 23rd.

A PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica)) was sighted on May 22nd around the gazebo at Landa Park in New Braunfels.

For questions or updates about birds mentioned here or to report rare
or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, please send an e-mail to

Eric Carpenter
Rare Bird Alert Compiler, Travis Audubon Society

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009

The Austin-Area Rare Bird Alert is a service of the Travis Audubon Society. This update is as of 9.00am, June 5th, 2009:

--- Exceptional Sightings---

A vocalizing WESTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Contopus sordidulus) was studied near the birding shelter at Hornsby Bend on May 29th though attempts to record the bird were unsuccessful. Solid records of this species in the Austin area are few.


Several species of shorebirds remain at the ponds at Hornsby bend thru the first week of June. Unexpected was a single LEAST SANDPIPER (Calidris minutilla) on June 3rd and up to 3 BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS (Calidris bairdii) on June 2nd and June 3rd.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was at a private residence in Seguin on May 30th and May 31st.

An ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) was soaring over the river at Big Webberville Park in far eastern Travis County on May 31st.

CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) were reported on May 31st at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo.

A SOLITARY SANDPIPER (Tringa solitaria) at Hornsby Bend on May 29th was getting late.


A PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been present May 18th thru at least May 23rd at the pond in the Triangle devleopment area near the northwest corner of 45th and Guadalupe Streets in Austin.

Another PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica) has been hanging out at the water retention pond off Ernest Robles Way (near Brodie Lane) in Sunset Valley (south Austin). It was first reported on May 22nd and continues thru at least May 29th.

A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) has been present (and photographed) at a private residence in Bastrop. The bird has been present since early May and continues thru at least May 27th.

Two MOTTLED DUCKS (Anas fulvigula) were photographed on the ponds at Hornsby Bend on April 30th and were still present there as of June 3rd.

An immature WHITE IBIS (Eudocimus albus) was seen at Hornsby Bend on May 27th and was still present as of June 3rd.

Up to 6 CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) have been seen/heard in the Mueller Development area (Austin), north and northwest of the old air traffic control tower as recently as May 23rd.

LONG-BILLED THRASHERS (Toxostoma longirostre) are seen often at the Schaezler's Warbler Woods property near Cibolo. The most recent report of one there is from May 20th.


A BUFF-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia yucatanensis) was present at a private residence near Utley on May 28th.

CASSIN'S SPARROWS (Aimophila cassinii) continue to make a strong showing in our area this spring/summer. A number of birds were heard/seen on May 23rd in areas of Bell County including along FM 1123 between Holland and Belton, and off of Dillard Road near I-35 just east of Stillhouse Hollow Reservoir. Eleven individuals were tallied on May 25th as part of a breeding bird survey run near the community of Walburg (Williamson County). Two additional singing birds were heard/seen on May 25th along Post Oak Road just west of (Big) Webberville Park.

Two GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLERS (Vermivora chrysoptera) were photographed at Southeast Metro Park (off Hwy 71 east of Bergstrom Airport) on May 23rd.

A MACGILLIVRAY'S WARBLER (Oporornis tolmiei) was studied along Shoal Creek just north of 34th Street in Austin on May 23rd.

A PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica)) was sighted on May 22nd around the gazebo at Landa Park in New Braunfels.

A female GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER (Vermivora chrysoptera) was studied at Nicholas Dawson Park in south Austin on May 21st.

An immature WHITE IBIS (Eudocimus albus) was in Temple on May 21st.

A lingering ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga) has been present along Brushy Creek in Round Rock, with the latest sighting on May 20th.

A SANDERLING (Calidris alba) was photographed at the ponds at Hornsby Bend on May 17th and was still present as of May 19th.

A TRICOLORED HERON (Egretta tricolor0 was seen at Hornsby Bend on May 19th.

A BLACKPOLL WARBLER (Dendroica striata) was present at a private residence in the Hyde Park neighborhood in Austin on May 18th. Another one was seen that same day in far nw. Austin near Anderson Mill and Hwy 183.

A late HERMIT THRUSH (Catharus guttatus) was at a private residence in far w. Austin between Commons Ford and Emma Long Parks on May 18th.

Quite an outstanding number for the spring, 25 WHITE IBIS (Eudocimus albus) were at Shipp Lake in eastern Bastrop County on May 17th.

On May 17th, Temple Park on Belton Lake held 1 RUDDY TURNSTONE (Arenaria interpres) and 7 SANDERLINGS (Calidris alba).

A BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO (Coccyzus erythrophthalmus) was a great find in far nw. Austin on May 16th.

A LEAST TERN (Sternula antillarum) stopped over in Temple at Slough pond on May 16th.

For questions or updates about birds mentioned here or to report rare
or unusual bird sightings in the Austin area, please send an e-mail to

Eric Carpenter
Rare Bird Alert Compiler, Travis Audubon Society